I spent the past 2 weeks in Appalachia, training Rural Transit Drivers. Lot's of you might see the 22 foot cutaway buses traveling the highways and byways, but never know exactly what they're doing and where they're going. During the last 2 weeks, I've been working in Hazard and Mt. Vernon, KY in the Appalachian hills and mountains, and in Bowling Green, KY, working with rural transit drivers. Paducah Area Transit System (PATS) is also classified as a rural transit. Let me tell you a little about these drivers.
They're taking patients to life-saving dialysis and other medical appointments. They're taking home-bound persons to the grocery store. They're taking people to church. They're getting these people out, and letting them live life to the fullest extent possible. They're taking mentally challenged people to their "jobs," at places which use menial labor to make simple products, but you can't imagine how much it means to these mentally challenged people to help support themselves. They rarely miss work. They take great pride in their work. Other workers could take a lesson from them.
God surely has a special destination in mind, for rural transit drivers.