Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 10

After a brutally cold night, temperatures warmed to the low 40s with good weather. I finally saw a crew working not far from my home today and they fixed a downed line which I THINK is the one which supplies my electricity. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we have our power back soon. West Kentucky Star reported our supplier, Hickman Fulton RECC got a few more customers back on line today.

Hickman Fulton RECC had about 1,000 customers energized Thursday afternoon and estimate 2,800 still in the dark.

I'm still one of those in the dark, but praying we get on line soon. Bridget and I drove to Dyersburg, Tennessee today as Bridget had a medical appointment, and while we were there, got a shower and did some laundry at a friend's house.

Last night was the worst, with an overnight low of 12 degrees at my house. With candles lit, we stayed in our alpine sleeping bags. As long as we were in the sleeping bags we were OK. When this is over, I'll write a blog about the things we leanred about how to get by with no electricity.

UPDATE!!! We just got power!!!! at 6:31 PM CST. We know it may come and go for a while, so we'll be cautiously optimistic.


John Dissauer said...

Congrats on getting power back!

Rink's Ramblings said...


As my partner in crime down here in Florida pointed out, the silver lining to all of this cold weather is that everything in the fridge/freezer should have survived just fine!
